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Automatic Updates – Disabling the Restart Now – Restart Later message

Posted under Desktops, Software, Vista, XP by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;Every 15 minutes my computer would popup with the message “Do you want to restart your computer now? Restart Now or Restart Later. Since I don’t want to be forced to restart the computer every time my machines receives update from Microsoft….See below for solution..

Automatic Updates – Disabling the Restart Now – Restart Later message

The solution and description to this error is set out below; 

Open Start, Run, Type services.msc or go to control panel, administrative tools and services. Locate the Automatic Updates Server and Stop It. Alternatively you can run this from a command line; net stop “automatic updates”

Once this service has been stopped, you can then reboot the computer at your own convenience.

I hope you too have Found A Fix!

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