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Fix for missing DVD drive in Windows Vista

Posted under Laptops, Media Player, Vista by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows:

On a Windows Vista laptop I found that CDs and DVDs were not picked up. When I opened ‘My Computer’, there was not CD or DVD drive listed at all!

My next check was to look in Device Manager an see if anything was listed there. The DVD drive was listed there but marked with an exclamation mark. Opening the entry it showed ‘Error Code 19’. A Google search soon gave me a solution:

Right click on the CD or DVD drive that has a yellow exclamation mark next to it and delete it.

For Vista click the windows “start” button on the bottom left and in the search box type regedit . (You might be asked for permission if UAC is enabled in Vista Just hit next or continue.)

This brings you to the Registry Editor. Browse to:


BE SURE you follow the path 100% There are many similar files and folders so double check they all match up.

Now that you are at the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Folder on the right side you will see several entries. Right Click and delete the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters. These will be recreated on the next reboot.

Once I rebooted it was all working fine.

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