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6 long beeps on startup of a Dell Dimension 4600

Posted under Hardware by ifoundafix

The other day I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

My Dell desktop computer would not boot up. After I powered it on, I would receive six long beeps and nothing would happen.

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

To fix, open up the pc and reseat the RAM.

I Hope you too have Found A Fix!

  1. Patricia Said,

    Thanks. The solution work!

  2. Gavin Said,

    Worked! Thanks.

  3. Sunny Said,

    quick fix. thanks!

  4. Melissa Said,

    You rock – thanks!

  5. Chris Said,

    Thanks! It was exactly what was needed.

  6. Novas Said,

    Six long beeps and dell desktop wont display

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