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Dreamweaver Losing FTP Username and Password

Posted under Dreamweaver by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

Every time I open Dreamweaver I receive the message “an ftp error occurred – cannot make connection to host. Your login or password is incorrect. Please check your connection information.”. When I enter the information in manage sites it works perfectly. Unfortunately this happens every time I close and re-open dreamweaver.

The solution and description to this error is set out below;

The Adobe 8.0.2 update fixes a problem of FTP usernames and passwords in Dreamweaver site definitions being deleted when you close and re-open Dreamweaver 8 or when you reboot your machine. This problem is the result of a change introduced in Internet Explorer 7.

You can download the update from here; 

I would like to acknowledge the assistance and thank Adobe for their solution which can also be found here

I hope you too have Found A Fix!

  1. lupus6x9 Said,

    Thank you very much, I’ve been looking everywhere for a solution for this. This works for Dreamweaver 8, right? Because I don’t have CS3.

    Well, I hope so. Thanks anyway!

  2. moloko_man Said,

    This problem is happening on Dreamweaver CS4 too. Any fixes/updates yet for CS4?

  3. madunk Said,

    Yes. I am having the same trouble in CS4. Can’t find a fix.

  4. admin Said,

    Did you upgrade from version 8?

  5. moloko_man Said,

    I fixed my problem… If you are on a mac, then you can do the following to fix the problem.

    make sure that dreamweaver is NOT open, then
    1. in Disk Utilities verify disk permissions, if you run into errors Fix permissions
    2. in Keychain Access, run “Keychain First Aid”

    open up dreamweaver and re-enter in the ftp info and it will be saved from here on out.

    If you’re on a PC, sorry can’t help you there.

  6. ifoundafix Said,

    Thanks. It seems the cause and resolution can vary. I’d be interested in hearing other fixes??

  7. mclee Said,

    Neither the verify disk permissions or Keychain First Aid worked for me in CS4 on an iMac. Some sites keep the info, and some do not. The info is correct in the Keychain.

  8. SALi Said,

    I’m a total newbie using DW8, but the other day after having no FTP probs at all previously, I suddenly couldn’t connect to the remote site because ‘username/password incorrect’.

    To resolve the problem I just had to login to my hosting company control panel and amend the FTP security settings to “allow from any IP address”.

    It was simply that my IP address had changed. Since getting a different router I hadnt allocated a static IP address. (tbh I don’t understand DHCP really and the router is crap.) But there you go…a simple solution for me.

  9. Stephanie Said,

    I had this problem with Dreamweaver CS5. It ended up being the keychain issue. I am on a Mac 10.6.8 and I went to applications => utilities => Keychain Access. First, I did the Keychain First Aid but that didn’t help. Then I searched keychains for the site name that I used in dreamweaver, highlighted all that had the application password symbol (looks like an A made out of office supplies), control clicked, and deleted them. Then everything worked fine.

  10. Wendy Said,

    I’m also having this problem with Dreamweaver CS5 running on Mac OS X 10.8.2. The keychain fix recommended by Stephanie above hasn’t worked for me. The next time I closed down Dreamweaver, the FTP usernames and passwords were wiped again. As a webdesigner with 20+ sites needing regular updates and more besides this is more than just a right pain in the patooshie. I’ve been using DW since version 8 and never come across the problem before but if it’s been occurring since 8 then why the hell haven’t Adobe fixed it yet?!!

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