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Word, Excel, Outlook mouse pointer constantly busy – Office 2007

Posted under MS Office, MS Outlook, Software by ifoundafix

The other day I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

When using any MS Office application I would find that the mouse pointer was constantly busy and the pc would come  to a crawl.

The fix for me was to;

1. Stop the print spooler service. (Start, Run, Services.msc). At this point you’ll notice the mouse issue is gone.

2. Either delete and reinstall the printer (or the offending one). Or reinstall the correct driver. If you have multiple printers, you can find the bad one by changing the default printer to another one and restarting the printer spooler service. Repeat the steps until the issue reoccurs. Once the bad printer has been removed, your office applications should return to normal.

I hope you too have found a fix!

  1. Rahul Sadeesh Said,

    I keep on receiving this error message in excel file. “Recover my work and restart microsoft excel”.. i try to repair office 2002 and reinstall office 2002, but the error message still appears..can anyone help me in this case. Thanks

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