Getting Red X on OWA & Vista with reply and new emails
Posted under MS Outlook, Vista by ifoundafixThe other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;
I couldn’t write new emails or reply to exiting mails from Outlook Web Access on a Vista machine. All I could see was a red X in the corner. See Pic.
The solution and description to this error is set out below;
You will need to install this patch on your Windows Server. A reboot will also be required. After this is complete, you will need to reinstall S/MIME from OWA. Login to your remote mail from the web page and go to options located on the bottom of the page. Go to E-mail Security and reinstall S/MIME. This will also require a reboot of your computer
I would like to acknowledge the assistance and thank the following two websites for their assistance, Microsoft Exchange Team Blog and MsExchange Blogspot
I hope you too have Found A Fix!
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