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Out of Office Replies not working for External Mails

Posted under MS Outlook by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;



The Out Of Office Reply in Microsoft Outlook was not working for external mails.

The solution and description to this error is set out below;


The option is most likely just not configured on your server. It is set this way by default mainly due to spammers.  If a spammer targets your server, you could potentially be replying to thousands of mails!

To fix;

Exchange 2000/2003:

  1. Open the Exchange System Manager
  2. Expand your site to Global Settings and then Internet Message Format
  3. In the right pane right click Default and choose Properties and then tab to Advanced
  4. Here you can enable or disable the automatic replying/forwarding

Exchange 5.5:

  1. Open Exchange 5.5 Administrator
  2. Expand your site to Configuration and then Connections
  3. In the right pane right-click Internet Mail Service and choose Properties,  tab Internet Mail Service, button Advanced Options….
  4. Here you can enable or disable the automatic replying/forwarding
  5. Stop and restart the Internet Mail Service
Out Of Office for External Mails

Out Of Office for External Mails

I would like to acknowledge the assistance and thank How to Outlook for their solution which can be found here

I hope you too have Found A Fix

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