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How to remove the footer encryption in a wordpress theme

Posted under Coding, Dreamweaver, Internet, Software by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

I had downloaded a free wordpress theme for my blog and I was unable to modify the footer.php file because it had been encrypted. This is most likely because the author of the theme wanted to keep their link at the bottom of the blog in order to maintain credit for their work.

The solution and description to this error is set out below; Most website owners would require the freedom to change how the footer looks. With an encrypted footer, you can’t change things like adding a “Contact Us” link , Copyright link or an RSS button, etc. You might also want to check whether there is any malicious code in the encryption. For example there could be some spurious ‘phone home’ code.

The following is the screenshot of how the encrypted footer might look:<?php $_F=__FILE__;$_X=’Pzs48sZDcR2IGcNsMXNzPSJjbDUxbjVyIj48L2Q0dj4NCjwvZDR2Pg 

UoJF9YKTskX1g9c3RydHIoJF9YLCcxMjM0NTZhb3VpZScsJ2FvdWllMTIzNDU2Jyk w==’));?>

To remove this encryption, please follow these steps..

Step 1

 Locate and open index.php 

  • Find the include code for the footer. The footer include code is usually like this: <?php get_footer(); ?>

Step 2

Add this comment code on the top and bottom of the footer code:

<!-Wordpress footer code starts here–>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
<!-Wordpress footer code ends here–>

Save the file and upload it to the server.

Step 3

Load the theme in a browser. View the source code by clicking

View -> Source (If you view in IE) or Ctrl + U (If you view in Firefox)

Step 4

The source code in between <!- WordPress footer code starts here–> and <!-Wordpress footer code ends here–> is the source code for the footer.

Now, all you need to do is open footer.php and replace the encrypted code from earlier with the actual source code.

After this, you can then start to modify the footer to suit your own requirements.
Note: This article is not advocating that you  remove the credits to the author.

I would like to acknowledge the assistance and thank Wpconfig and templatelite for their solution(s).

I hope you too have Found A Fix!!

  1. fikdesign Said,


  2. woopwoop Said,

    awesome! thanks a million for that.

  3. Henrik Steen Said,

    Just open the themes function.php-file (or settings.php or anything like that) and remove the corresponding code for the encrypted text in footer, and enjoy!

  4. How to remove encrypted wordpress footers | Lively Links Said,

    […] http://www.ifoundafix.com/2009/01/14/how-to-remove-the-footer-encryption-in-a-wordpress-theme/ […]

  5. Wordpress Encrypted Footer Links - Irish SEO, Marketing & Webmaster Discussion Said,

    […] How to remove the footer encryption in a wordpress theme | I Found a Fix __________________ http://www.Gimmedat.iehttp://www.ifoundafix.comhttp://www.remotesupport.ie […]

  6. matias Said,

    so many thanks !

  7. Laurens Cui Said,

    what if your index.php is encrypted too? =/

  8. admin Said,

    Same rule should apply.

  9. ishwor Said,

    I use lively theme by newwpthemes.com. The code in footer.php is not encrypted. Also I am able to edit the theme’s footer but as soon as i edit it, the whole blog is disabled and a message is revealed like this

    All the links in the footer should remain intact. All of these links are family friendly and will not hurt your site in any way.

  10. Puspa Said,

    100000000 Thanks

  11. mark Said,

    awesome, thanks!!!

  12. Piya Said,

    Amazing…I’m really happy to do this. Thank you so much…

  13. Abdul Awal Said,

    Here is a good solution .But I m getting the encrypted link in functions.php.And if I apply this process my theme stops working.So please help me For The problem.

  14. Dhruv Said,

    hmm its good but still i am having some problem …..

  15. saf Said,

    I am using Maximo theme when I applied above process for a moment everthing seems fine but then i start having problems it took them a while to show up which was strange for me. Here is what I got now . All links on my site stop working the site bar has also gone into footer area. When I checked the code it seems that php is reading whole page as a footer. I found that my footer had two closing parenthesis for body div’s so i tried if i tried two things
    1. putting them back into index and
    2. leaving them in the footer but nothing worked.

    Can you please help me?

  16. wasim Said,

    Hi, I tried your way and it’s solve little bit probe. Because whatever theme I am using that is encrypted twice. Means there are two malicious code written into that.

    One is in footer.php which I removed.

    second one is in function.php.

    when I tried to remove that code from function.php so my site stopped working. and as well as I can’t change that link also into that footer. If I change anything in that html code so again that theme stop working.

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