Foxpro Database error; Position is off the screen
Posted under Coding, Software by ifoundafixThe other day while browsing the Internet, I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;
When using a Foxpro database, I received the following error; Position is off the screen. After this, the application would terminate unexpectedly.
The solution and description to this error is set out below;
I fixed the problem by changing the DPI Setting to 96.
1. Right-click on desktop, select properties.
2. Click on the settings tab (you may need to change the screen resolution to 800*600 ).
3. Click on advanced.
4. Change the DPI setting to (96 DPI) and restart.
I Hope you too have Found A Fix !!
Sorry to say you that it’s can not solution my problem….
i put it on 120 dpi but either couldent fix it…….any other suggest??
You could try rebooting into safe mode with networking? It should at least let you know if it is a screen resolution issue.
Thank you!
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