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How to find your router address

Posted under Internet by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows:

Typically to access a router (for example to obtain or adjust settings) this is done using a browser. The IP address is required to do this.

Click the Windows ‘Start’ button.
Click ‘Run’.
Type ‘cmd’ and press ‘Enter’ on the keyboard.
A black screen with white writing will appear on the screen.
This is the ‘Command’ window and allows you to communicate with the DSL modem.
Type ‘ipconfig’ and press ‘Enter’
You should see something like the following:


From this, you can now tell what the IP address of your router is. The Default Gateway IP Address is your broadband router.
Finally, you can Open Internet Explorer and type in this address and hit enter. Then you will have to enter your username and password to access the configuration section.

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