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how to turn off password expiry on all office 365 accounts.

Posted under Office 365 by admin

The other day I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

I wanted to turn off the password expiry on all of my office 365 accounts.

To completely disable the password expiry for all (existing) email accounts you will need to install PowerShell. You will find the downloads along with instructions here.

Note: Powershell commands are in bold. Type enter after each line item.

1. Run Powershell as administrator.

2. Login to Office 365 with $cred=Get-Credential

3. Enter the admin username and password i.e name@domainname.com and password.

4. Enter the following commands

connect-MSOLService -credential $cred

Get-MSOLUser | Set-MSOlUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true

That’s it you’re done. Remember that you’ll need to redo this for every user added hereafter.

        I hope you too have found a fix.

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