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Disabling the Checked by AVG – No virus found in this outgoing message

Posted under Anti-Virus, MS Outlook, Software by ifoundafix

The other day while browsing the Internet I Found A Fix for a recent problem I was having. The issue is described as follows;

All emails coming into through my email client were flagged and certified by my AVG Anti-Virus Software with the following text.

“No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.21.7/1331 – Release Date: 16/03/2008 10:34”
The solution and description to this error is set out below; 

To remove this certification process by AVG simply follow the following steps.Open AVG by clicking on the shortcut from your desktop

AVG Shortcut
The AVG Test Center will open
AVG Test Center
From the control center, click on E-mail Scanner and choose properties.
AVG Control Center
On the next screen, choose the appropriate plugin (usually default) and select configure.
AVG Email Scanner
Uncheck ‘Certify Email’ for both incoming and outgoing mail.
AVG Email Scanner Page 2
Finally, click OK Twice and then close AVG. That’s it!

I hope you too have Found A Fix!

  1. Nancy Said,

    THANK YOU! I’ve been trying to figure this out — you made my day!

  2. Corrie Sloot Said,

    Very useful.

  3. Linda Said,

    Thanks! I found you pretty quick on a google search for this issue.

  4. John Said,

    Do you have a similar fix for the new free version of AVG, version 8.5? I think they removed the “properties” link.

    No virus found in this incoming message.
    Checked by AVG – http://www.avg.com
    Version: 8.5.278 / Virus Database: 270.11.15/2004 – Release Date: 03/16/09 19:01:00

  5. admin Said,

    Hi, Yes,

    Its Tools, Advanced Settings, Email Scanner, and just uncheck the boxes there.

  6. MrsChris Said,

    I’m using AVG version 9.0.722 but I followed the advice for version 8.5. The only box I had to uncheck was “Certify email”. I left the box for “Check incoming email” checked and seem to have the benefit of my incoming emails being certified safe, without showing an attachment..

    I found the advice given here really helpful: I’d never have managed to work it out for myself, and couldn’t stand the fact that every incoming email showed an “attachment” which was nothing but the certification text!

    Thank you so much for contributing your wisdom!

  7. awnold Said,


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